Hideous author tells Maher Trump should be executed like Khashoggi


Unfunny commie author Fran Liebowitz is known for “sardonic social commentary’ and being an all-around witch. She told Bill Maher Friday that President Trump should be turned over to the Saudis to be executed like Jamal Khashoggi since he “deserves” it.

Khashoggi is rumored to have been chopped to pieces during his execution.

“Certainly, he deserves to be impeached,” author Fran Lebowitz said during a discussion on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” about the president’s alleged crimes. “I mean, impeachment is just the beginning of what he deserves. Not even scratching the surface of what he deserves.”

“Whenever I think about this and what he really deserves, I think, ‘We should turn him over to the Saudis, you know, his buddies. The same Saudis who got rid of that reporter, you know. Maybe they can do the same for him.’”

She made her comments after Maher specifically asked her whether the president — the President who committed no crimes — should be impeached.

The audience just laughed and laughed.

They’d kill, imprison, or take the money of people on the right if they could, and that’s no joke.

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