Barbie has had another makeover. This time as a hijab-wearing Muslim.
It was only last month that Mattel gave Barbie a dramatic transformation with a variety of skin tones and different body types, including adding curves to her impossibly slender frame.
Recently, Haneefa Adam , a 24-year old UK pharmacology student, says she was inspired to create the Hijarbie account after coming across the Barbie Style Instagram page.
“I thought I had not seen Barbie dressed in a hijab before so I decided to open an Instagram account and dressed Barbie up in the clothes that I made. I thought it was really important for a doll to be dressed like how I would be,” she told CNN.
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She prefers this “modest doll” to the scantily-clad Barbie we are use to seeing.
Reception has been overwhelming with people wanting to buy the doll.
“It has roots in my religion and cultural identity. The way Barbie dresses is very skimpy and different and there’s nothing wrong with it. I just wanted to give another option for Muslim girls like me.
She added: “I want to use the Instagram page to create an identity for her similar to Barbie.”
A Facebook user had a different idea for the doll.
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