Hillary Defends Attacking Bill’s Female Accusers


During an interview with Rita Cosby, Hillary Clinton defended her husband’s womanizing and assaults like the ones he admitted to with Monica Lewinsky and against Paula Jones. He admitted to them only when confronted with the facts.

Hillary said people are “misremembering history” but she has forgotten all the character assassinations she helped launch during the “bimbo eruption” in her “war room” of the 1990s. This is not something we are making up, we are quoting  The New York Times. Hillary told Cosby it didn’t happen on her radio show Saturday and, remarkably, falsely claimed they were disproven:

“Look, I think every situation has to be judged on its own merits. Look, there were allegations that were disproved. There were allegations that were absolutely contradicted under sworn testimony.

So, of course, you should give people who make such allegations the benefit of the doubt, that’s what our system does — but then you have to investigate them. And that fully happened in the late 90s. And what we’ve got here is something very different.

There’s been no commitment to investigate the more than a dozen women who’ve made charges against, uh, President Trump, and there’s been no effort to really go into and understand what he was talking about in his Access Hollywood tape. So, they are not parallel. And I think it’s unfortunate that, uh, people are either misremembering or misinterpreting history.”

Mind you, her husband was accused of rape by three women.

The New York Times reported that Mrs. Clinton was questioning campaign aides by phone and vowing to fight back on behalf of her husband.

“Who’s tracking down all the research on Gennifer?” she asked, according to a journalist traveling with her at the time.

Bill Clinton had a 12-year affair with Gennifer Flowers which he denied.

Privately, the Times said she joined the campaign’s aggressive strategy of counterattack against the Bill women, making them targets of digging and discrediting. The campaign even hired a private investigator whose mission was to impugn Ms. Flowers’s “character and veracity until she is destroyed beyond all recognition.”

This pattern, they reported, was “repeated with other women”, and “disparaging accounts from ex-boyfriends, employers, and others” were dug up and sent to the media.

Bill Clinton eventually admitted to the Flowers affair but by that time the investigator had enough on her to brand her a “bimbo” and a “pathological liar.”

Interviews, internal campaign records, and archives point to Hillary being the motivating force though others said it was tacit assent.

One of her supporters said her involvement was more about trying to find out if these women had illicit pasts and were lying.

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