Hillary RAGED against Trump admin in a torturous commencement speech


We listened to Hillary’s god-awful speech so you don’t have to and it was very kind of us. We need tranquilizers after listening to it. If there were any Republicans listening to it, we offer our condolences.

Hillary Clinton gave an awful commencement speech at Hunter College this year, but the audience was most adoring. She referenced ‘Madam President’ to start off and then trashed the President and Facebook so they will censor more, and pandered to the audience, blacks [former slaves], factory workers, Jews, white people, and immigrants [she includes illegals].


“It has been one of the most inspiring, heart-felt commencements that I’ve ever experienced,” she said. “I’m thrilled to be a part of it today. Madam President? That has a nice ring to it. Thank you so much.”

She slammed the Trump administration for its “complete refusal to condemn a foreign power who attacked our democracy. There may not be tanks in our streets, but make no mistake we are witnessing an assault on the rule of law.”

The drama queen doesn’t seem to realize we are not a democracy.  She referred to democracy several times, but we are living in a Constitutional Republic. She touted collectivism.

Hillary had the unmitigated gall to blast Facebook because she wants A video taken down — the one that mocks Nancy Pelosi. She only wants left-wing videos and pages.

She actually said, “What do we do when people in positions of authority are not held accountable?” That describes her entire career. She’s never been held accountable.

She suggested Nazism is not ancient history and Republicans are the Nazis, when, in fact, it’s her and her leftist ilk who are the threat. She brought up Charlottesville which was a fake news story against the President. Hillary claimed Trump supports white supremacy, is locking children in cages, taking protections from LGBTs, banning Muslims, and is attacking everyone basically.

The woman, who has no regard for the rule of law, accused the Republicans of threatening our Constitution.

Hillary suggested this administration is ignoring threats to our election when all the recent threats took place under Barack Obama.

She is concerned about propaganda but she is the queen of fake news.

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