Hillary Thinks Trump Speaking Up for the Anthem Is Racist


Hillary Clinton gave an interview to Chris Hayes on MSNBC and in addition to bashing Trump, she listed all the reasons she didn’t win the election. She attacked Trump for his stance on the NFL and the anthem — it’s apparently racist.

She began the interview by saying the President doesn’t care about Puerto Rico, but don’t worry, she’s involved. “FEMA is down there. I’ve called on them to send the Navy, particularly the Naval hospital ship…,” she assured Hayes.

Who is she to call on the Navy? This woman is delusional. Why doesn’t she send the money she collected for Haiti to Haiti instead? Click this link to see the Crooked Hillary Clinton Foundation tax return for 2014.  The Foundation received $177 million in contributions and spent $86 million in expenses to donate a measly $5 million in actual charity donations.

Thank God she’s not running the country.

We hate to make a liar of her about Trump ignoring Puerto Rico but the governor of Puerto Rico said he was “very grateful” to President Trump for all the help he has provided.

The AP reported Governor Rossello’s remarks and he said he was “very grateful” to President Donald Trump for responding to Puerto Rico’s petition for help.

The President is planning to visit Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands but not until it is cleared so he won’t get in the way of relief efforts.

Hillary also condemned his so-called attack on black athletes. “He [Trump] attacks black athletes..and he attacks them for protesting peacefully, for equality, for standing up for what they believe.” She claims it is his dog whistle and he’s trying to distract attention from what he is doing.

“It’s quite telling he is willing to attack black athletes. He never says anything of an insulting manner about white supremacists, or Neo-Nazis or Klu Klux Klan.”

Click this link to hear the President condemn white supremacists, Neo-Nazis, and KKK.

The failed candidate is a race baiter. As a race baiter, isn’t she the racist?

The President attacked disrespectful and divisive NFL players who knelt during the anthem, not black players. How you get racism out of this is hard to fathom.

I guess we know where the pot stirrer Hillary stands on trashing the anthem, the flag and our military.

Hillary also weighed in on the fake voter suppression controversy. She definitely doesn’t think blacks are capable of acquiring voter IDs.

Most of the interview was about how ‘tragic’ her election loss was as she angrily trashed all those who allegedly played a part. Apparently she thinks voter suppression helped lead to her downfall. It couldn’t be that her ‘base’ weren’t going to be bothered coming out for her.

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