Hogg Thinks It’s “Great” He’s Destroying Laura Ingraham’s Livelihood


“I think it’s great that corporate America is standing with me, They cannot push us around, especially when all we’re trying to do here is save lives”, says Hogg. Hogg is destroying Ms. Ingraham’s livelihood over a snarky tweet and he thinks it’s “great”.

Nine sponsors have now pulled their ads from her show!

That isn’t accurate in any case. What he is trying to do is hurt Republicans and get out the vote for the Democrats. Meanwhile, he is trying to destroy Ms. Ingraham’s livelihood and he might succeed.

If you don’t agree with Hogg or upset his little feelings, he will destroy your livelihood.

Laura Ingraham mocked Hogg, misunderstanding his college rejections. Hogg, who hates the 2nd Amendment, apparently doesn’t like the 1st Amendment either. His reaction was to launch a boycott, just like a fascist would.

Hogg has power because he is working with extremely far-left organizations. Among them, is Media Matters which launched a war on Fox years ago. It’s run by David Brock and funded by George Soros. The communist group has been able to destroy several Fox personalities and are trying to do the same to Tucker, Hannity, Watters and of course Ingraham.

They published Ingraham’s sponsor list and the frightened companies are jumping to the tune of these leftists and bots. They sent it to their extensive mailing list. So far, they are boasting that nine advertisers have pulled out.

NutrishTripAdvisorWayfairExpediaNestleJos A BankJohnson & JohnsonHuluStitch FixJenny CraigOffice DepotHonda, Liberty Mutual, Principal, Miracle-Ear, Ruby Tuesday, and AtlantisEntertainment Studios, and Bayer have made statements about future ads not appearing on Ingraham’s show.

Ingraham apologized but Hogg, a bully, would not accept her apology and demanded that she “denounce” her network because he feels they have criticized the protesting anti-gun kids.

Ingraham made a mistake saying he was “whining” about being rejected. He was “annoyed”. What she should have mocked was him saying he is “changing the world” and “saving the world”.

Slandering Bully Hogg

Hogg slanders people like a vicious adult and then lets them know he’s a child victim and they can’t say anything back.

He is the bully although he is accusing Ms. Ingraham of being one. This is the fool who hung up on the President who wanted to know what he thought.

First, Hogg slandered Dana Loesch on television without challenge. He accused her of terrible things.

Then he blamed the governor for not stopping all the truly guilty people, with the shooter number one. Hogg doesn’t even mention him.

Here is Hogg blaming the governor, not the coward sheriffs, the FBI, the school, social service, just the Republicans and the NRA.

As a “victim”, he is using his status to absurdly and viciously attack people.

Listen to him use vulgar language to attack the NRA, who had nothing to do with Stoneman, as “child murderers”. To him, the NRA, Dana Loesch and members are “Pathetic F***ers”.

He accused Rubio of selling out the lives of school children for $1.05 while Rubio is doing a great deal for the victims and for the safety of schools.

This news report summarizes the situation without mentioning the fact that Hogg is absurdly attacking innocent people without them having the right to respond in kind.

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