Homelessness lunch conference features a transgender stripper


Seattle has a severe unsheltered homeless crisis and there is nothing to stop it or even slow it down. Fear not, an agency in charge of improving their situation is meeting and on the case. To help them along in some inexplicable way, they hired a transgender stripper.

Sodom and Gomorrah comes to mind

Transgender performer BeyoncĂ© Black St. James stripped at the At Home conference in South Seattle for some of the homeless advocates. At Home is the King County agency that coordinates services for the homeless. The conference theme was “Decolonizing our Collective Work.”

Impressive, huh? What in the world does it even mean? Do they know?

The article goes on to state the following:

The organization described it as a “Lunch with Cultural Presentation.” Where the transgender stripper comes in is culture apparently and it’s paid for with taxpayer dollars.

The unsheltered homeless in Seattle live in tents in parks and by the riverbed. Their trash and waste are never collected so they have a rodent problem. They suffer from disease and short life spans. Who really cares about them?

New homeless continually mount up, but at least they have strip shows for the advocates.

Last week, Seattle and King County leaders hired transgender stripper Beyoncé Black St. James to perform at their annual conference on solving homelessness.

Just don’t try to start a prayer group.

Here’s how they’re using taxpayer money:

This is no joke:

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