ICE Union Sends a Scathing Letter to President Trump


ICE officers sent a scathing letter to President Donald Trump regarding the continuation of “wasteful and dangerous” immigration policies at the U.S.-Mexico border.

“We regretfully write to inform you that in the middle of an immigration crisis on the southern border, you Administration is squandering scarce ICE resources and playing political games with our officers,” the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council wrote in a letter sent to Trump on Monday.

“To be direct Mr. President — the rhetoric doesn’t match reality and we hope that this letter shows you the complete and total nonsense that is really taking place under the Trump Administration on the southern border.”

“‘Catch and release’ isn’t just happening, it’s in overdrive. Catch and release must continue as ICE doesn’t have sufficient custody space to hold the massive number of family units illegally entering the United States every day,” the letter continued.

“Political games in Washington, D.C., have rendered the United States completely incapable of controlling its southern border.”

They are beyond frustrated

The letter, signed by ICE Council President Chris Crane, exposes the declining support for the President. They backed him for President.

They have had it. The frustration was palpable in the letter. They have to process thousands of immigration violators every day and then get the referrals to immigration judges. They are then released to charitable organizations.

ICE is doing the job of CBP and DHS. Instead of performing vital services, they’re opening doors, serving release documents and other mundane and trivial jobs. At the same time, they are being taken from terrorism task forces, fugitive task forces, violent criminal alien sections, and most of their critical duties. They wrote of waste, fraud, abuse, and threats.

The letter lays the blame for gross mismanagement on DHS Secretary Kristjen Nielsen and Acting ICE Director Ronald Vitiello.

Mr. Vitiello’s confirmation is currently held up in the Senate and this accusation will seriously hurt him.

Mr. Crane wants transparency and asks the President to tell the people the truth about what is going on at the border.


It’s sad. The President is trying, but Congress is useless.

The Democrats won’t do anything except promote open borders and talk of impeachment. Republicans are suddenly worried about the Constitution and won’t back the President on anything, including declaring an emergency to secure funds.

The President is working on a ‘stay in Mexico’ policy, but the leftists are suing for that too. Some leftist ACLU judge and ACLU lawyers will stop that as they stop any effort to control our borders. Democrats are all for this.

The President also signed a disastrous border-spending bill at the urging of Congress, thinking he would issue a national emergency declaration to secure funds for the wall.

It’s not enough. It takes a long time to build walls and a lot of money.

We need our laws to change and that border bill made it worse. Foreigners around the world know it and are doing what one would expect — invading.

America is going down

It doesn’t seem like we can save the country. Democrats want open borders and too many Republicans apparently do too. The Chamber of Commerce wants open borders. The media wants open borders, so does Hollywood. All the criminals pouring in want them.

They are working hand-in-hand to destroy this country.

It’s time to march on D.C. with pitchforks in hand, but Americans seem to think this isn’t an emergency.

The Mexican criminals are starting to come in through our Northern border now. They fly to Canada with a visa and then cross illegally. Unless the laws change, it will continue until we are destroyed. And then we have buffoons like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying all Latin Americans have the right to come into the U.S. any time they want because they are somehow indigenous. She and her friends are running around with Abolish ICE signs and bashing these men and women who risk their lives and have an impossible job.


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