Hundreds of leftists are on both sides of the border supporting the soon-to-be illegal aliens who are climbing the fence dividing Tijuana, Mexico from Friendship, California. Lines of leftists are also on the U.S. side, waiting to greet them.
So far, it is more of a stunt promoting the foreigners who are lying and gaming the system to get into the U.S. seeking jobs or welfare or both. Many of the jobs they do get hired for are off the books so they don’t pay taxes, get welfare, and they send the money they make back to their home countries.
There are whole towns being supported by Mexicans working illegally in the U.S.
These illegal foreigners are people who violate our laws. This is what many politicians want for our country.
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What is happening today is a great ad for promoting illegal immigration to the U.S. for everyone around the world. This caravan stunt today is being seen worldwide.
The goal is to overwhelm our system so we cannot enforce our immigration law. It is happening. Judges have a backlog of more than 650,000 cases. Criminal aliens never show up for their court cases which take at least two years to reach the bench.
The U.S. is not allowed to stop them physically and, once in, the foreigners only have to wait a few months before they are released into the U.S., thanks to the ‘catch-and-release’ program.
The border is controlled by cartels and people should keep that in mind. The pro-open borders groups are communists and socialists. These are open borders radicals. Keep that in mind too.
The unAmerican ACLU is suing the government to make sure families are not separated. If they don’t want families separated, the families should all be sent back. The caravan migrants are mostly men and that is what the left doesn’t want you to know. They don’t show these photos, just the ones of the women and the cute little children. Some of these men are gang members.
Leftists does not believe in borders. Additionally, they see these people as future Democrat voters.
These people are committing crimes of fraud by lying about why they are coming, they are committing identity fraud to get jobs, and they are working with cartels. These are the people jumping ahead of decent foreigners who are trying to enter the U.S. the right way.
The illegals are told to claim they are escaping crime and violence. They demand refugee status. But the entire world has the same problem. They need to get in line.
This is DACA. DACA never ended. This is what goes on every day. They are all DACA and are allowed to flout our laws, even if they are criminals because judges intervene.
Congress could stop these judges but they need 60 votes in the Senate.
Today we are watching Central American illegals invading the U.S.
The Democrats and some Republicans are forcing open borders on Americans. Congress will do nothing and this isn’t the President’s fault. Our immigration laws are good but we don’t follow them. Judges are ruling for open borders and they can only be stopped by Congress.
The illegals are saying they plan to overwhelm the immigration system and no one will stop them. This jumping the fence goes on daily, not just when a caravan arrives.
The biggest problem is ‘catch-and-release’.
They are caught, given an appearance ticket and released into the U.S. They never show for their appearance and simply wait for amnesty.
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