Inconvenient Truth for Fake Climatologist Al Gore, An Ice Age Cometh


There is an inconvenient truth for Al Gore. An Ice Age is coming – maybe – maybe not. At least the scientists predicting it have better credentials than Al Gore who has no science background. The fact is we don’t know either way.

An astronomer in 2015 said the earth will be faced with intense cold between 2030-2040 similar to the 17th century “Little Ice Age”. Professor V. Zharkova of Northumbria University presented the conclusions at a gathering of prominent international scientists during a National Astronomy Meeting in Wales.

The report came via Astronomy Now. She later stated that she wasn’t focusing on climate, the media did that, but of course it could make the earth colder. Ms. Zharkova still wants us to take global warming seriously.

There are the expected cyclical changes in sunspots, but in the 17th century, the reduction in solar activity was prolonged, called the Maunder minimum, which lasted roughly from 1645 to 1700.

During this period, there were only about 50 sunspots instead of the usual 40-50 thousand sunspots. Through research and study, scientists came up with an analytical formula which led to predictions of the coming cold. Only time will tell if this prediction is accurate but it has long been believed solar activity affects climate.

Dr. Helen Popova of the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics and of the Faculty of Physics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University was deeply involved in the research. She writes:

“There is no strong evidence, that global warming is caused by human activity. The study of deuterium in the Antarctic showed that there were five global warmings and four Ice Ages for the past 400 thousand years. People first appeared on the Earth about 60 thousand years ago. However, even if human activities influence the climate, we can say, that the Sun with the new minimum gives humanity more time or a second chance to reduce their industrial emissions and to prepare, when the Sun will return to normal activity”.

Others Predict a Mini-Ice Age

Other top scientists are also predicting a coming Ice Age. In fact, there has been no global warming for years.

Statistics and data from more than 30,000 measuring stations, suggest we are headed for a new ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.

This information was quietly released by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit in 2012. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.

In February, 2017, NASA scientists also theorized that a mini-Ice Age is coming.

The Guardian reports that it is a myth. A team led by University of Reading physicist and solar expert Mike Lockwood wrote a paper reviewing the science behind frost fairs, sunspots, and the LIA.

The fact is the River Thames has frozen over 23 times between 1309 and 1814. This time period is often referred to as the Little Ice Age. That is what these scientists think could happen again.

In 2014, Climatologist John Casey made the same prediction and described the tumultuous effects.

“As air and ocean temperatures cool, the earth’s crust begins changing, leading to more volcanic activity and earthquakes. Casey notes that the worst earthquake to strike the continental U.S. in modern times was in 1812 in New Madrid, Missouri — during the last great solar minimum.”

It would have a most deleterious effect on society today given our lifestyle and infrastructure.

We Don’t Really Know

The fact is the science is not settled. We have computer models determining the earth’s future which are frequently altered.

The infamous Paris Accord seeks to spend inordinate amounts of money on cooling the earth’s temperature, possibly based on a false assumption. Junk in, junk out. Its intent is to redistribute the wealth of the U.S. to poorer nations run by thugs to reduce the temperature by half of 1 percent in 100 hundred years – they think.

This is the inconvenient truth for Al Gore.

h/t Jon

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