InCredible Julie’s Story Isn’t Panning Out for NBC Democrat News Media – Updated


Update at the end

Porn star lawyer Michael Avenatti’s client Julie Swetnick has changed her story about Brett Kavanaugh’s alleged gang rapist past. Not only that, her four witnesses were checked out by NBC and they found one was dead, one didn’t know who Julie Swetnick is, and two wouldn’t respond.

Swetnick spoke with NBC News correspondent Kate Snow about the “trains of men” and her own alleged gang-rape.

NBC couldn’t independently confirm any of her claims. There were three inconsistencies between her sworn statement and her comments in the interview.

They must have run a hundred dollar bill through the trailer park she lives in to see what would turn up [That’s a joke referencing James Carville’s comment].


Swetnick had claimed she saw Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge spike the punch, but now she says she only “saw him around the punch containers.” “I don’t know what he did,” she told NBC.

Originally, she said Kavanaugh was involved in the gang rapes, and she came to that conclusion when she was allegedly gang raped herself. Now she says Kavanaugh and Judge were near her when she started to feel sick.


InCredible Julie also says she only saw Kavanaugh and Judge talking to boys outside of rooms. That’s a long way from participating.

In the interview, Swetnick said that boys at these parties were not “lined up” as she said in her sworn statement, but “huddled by the doors.” So much for the “trains of men”.

Mark Judge, who has been open about his past struggles with alcohol abuse, said in a statement through his lawyer, Barbara Van Gelder, that “the allegations in the Swetnick affidavit are so bizarre that, even while suffering from my addiction, I would remember actions so outlandish.”

Brett Kavanaugh has vehemently and “categorically” denied the allegations.

Incredible Julie said she spoke to a police officer and her mother after the gang rape, but no charges were filed as far as we can determine.

Her mother Elaine, who was a geologist, is deceased. Her father Marty, a retired space scientist living in Silver Springs, Maryland, hasn’t spoken to her in ten years and was surprised by her allegations.


If these people are lying, and they certainly appear to be, they must be prosecuted.

One repercussion is Judge Kavanaugh will no longer teach his Supreme Court course at Harvard and it’s likely it’s because of this. Since it’s a personnel matter, the school isn’t saying too much. The claim is that the Judge can’t make the commitment.

A group of Harvard Law School students had previously urged the school to stop allowing Kavanaugh to teach there until there was an investigation into accusations of sexual assault made against him.

The leftists in the Democratic Coalition Against Trump are now filing ethics complaints against the judge and Merrick Garland could be the judge overseeing them. The Coalition describes itself as the home of the resistance.

This is what they do to the Republicans who are fighting against the FBI corruption. Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan are two prime examples of Republicans continually slapped with ethics violations that go nowhere.

Judge Kavanaugh’s life is basically ruined with no evidence whatsoever.

Meanwhile Minnesota Democrats found the claims of domestic abuse against Keith Ellison “unsubstantiated”. That rule doesn’t apply to Judge Kavanaugh. If the nominee or candidate is a Republican, no due process is needed.

The leftists want to protect their right to kill unborn babies and they hope to extend it to abortion on demand. It’s unlikely Judge Kavanaugh will go along with abortion on demand. These are often the same people who won’t touch a hair on a cat’s head.

The same people who insist we can’t waterboard terrorists trying to kill us, take joy in ruining a respected judge’s life because he doesn’t want to kill unborn babies.

Swetnick’s ex-boyfriend found her to be rather nutty and threatening.

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