Kavanaugh Grilled About Anonymous Woman & 4 Anonymous Witnesses


In yet another nail in the coffin of democracy, anonymous complainants are being taken seriously and Judge Kavanaugh is being made to respond. He will likely be accused of being a serial killer any day now. Then let the burnings at the stake begin!

There is no longer any justice in the United States if a man like Judge Kavanaugh, who has lived a better life than most of us, can be taken down. He can’t even operate under the presumption of innocence. Sen. Coons said he’s guilty and has to prove he’s innocent. Sen. Hirono said men have to “shut up” and “do the right thing”.

Sen. Chuck Schumer said there is no presumption of innocence for nominees.

We are in a very dark place. Maybe the FBI should investigate Schumer, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Sen. Chris Coons, and Sen. Richard Blumenthal. What plotting do they do among themselves?


An ‘anonymous complaint sent to Republican Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado [alleged] Kavanaugh physically assaulted a woman he socialized with in the Washington, D.C., area in 1998 while he was inebriated.’

In an interview with Senate Judiciary Committee investigators on Tuesday, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh lit into the mounting sexual misconduct allegations against him, calling the process a “disgrace” that is “doing damage to the country.”

Transcripts documenting Kavanaugh’s responses were released by the Judiciary Committee Wednesday night.

Kavanaugh was asked specifically about the new claim received by Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., from an anonymous individual apparently in liberal Denver, alleging that Kavanaugh “shoved” someone up against a wall “very aggressively and sexually” during an outing in front of four witnesses. Gardner’s office received the letter Sept. 22.

There were witnesses and they’re all anonymous too!

After the interviewer asked the judge if the events in the letter were familiar, he responded: “No, and we’re dealing with an anonymous letter about an anonymous person and an anonymous friend. It’s ridiculous. Total twilight zone. And no, I’ve never done anything like that.”

There were a lot of questions about the second accuser, Ms. Ramirez who won’t present evidence or testify. So the judge was grilled about the gossipy New Yorker article, which also contained no evidence.


“At one point in the questioning about Ms. Ramirez, the judge said, “It’s not appropriate for people to be dredging up uncorroborated stories and trying to refresh other people’s recollections and then stoke the media and create a feeding frenzy and destroy my family and destroy my reputation and take me down. This is not right. It’s an outrage,” he said.

Judge Kavanaugh was also outraged about the Avenatti client Julie Swetnick, and said, “It’s doing damage to the Supreme Court, it’s doing damage to the country, it’s doing damage to this process. It’s become a total feeding frenzy, you know? Every—just unbelievable.”

Commie Sen. Whitehouse also got a call from someone who said Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh assaulted two women on a boat in Newport. The judge said he wasn’t on a boat, wasn’t in Newport, and wasn’t on a boat in Newport with Mark Judge. [The man who made the accusation has recanted.]

Every nut job is getting a hearing. Expect more of this. They will crawl out of the Soros woodwork and they will all be “credible”.

Go to p. 32 to read about the anonymous complaint.

09.25.18 BMK Interview Tran… by on Scribd

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