Insanity! Judge Blocks Trump’s Wait in Mexico Policy


Judge Seeborg

This gets more insane by the day. A judge just blocked the President’s wait in Mexico policy. These activist judges obviously want open borders and could care less about the invasion. They are upturning the rule of law and the separation of powers by legislating from the bench.

This is a major blow, especially after a shakeup in the Department of Homeland Security.

These suits are pushed by leftist/Democrat groups and the ACLU.

The preliminary injunction on the policy is nationwide — naturally.

Secretary Kristjen Nielsen recently ordered that the policy be expanded along the southern border in an attempt to stem the flow of migrants to the border.

Some asylum-seekers are made to wait in Mexico as their cases made their way through U.S. immigration courts. Judge Richard Seeborg ordered it stopped immediately. We are actually a country run by judges.

The injunction, issued in Innovation Law Lab et al, v. Nielsen, is scheduled to take effect on Friday, Apr. 12. The order is available in full below.

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