Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is being targeted for extinction by the Democrats. He will be one of the top ten to receive a subpoena in January. The two issues they will deal with first are (1) Zinke’s exempting of Florida from offshore drilling as a possible political favor to Gov. Rick Scott; and (2) Zinke’s removal of references to humans’ role in climate change from agency reports.
The press has badgered the President about him. He told the press recently he thought the secretary was doing a good job but he would look into it. Allegedly, Zinke, a former Navy SEAL, is putting out feelers for jobs, including as a contributor on Fox News.
Democrats will be ever more zealous now when they realize he has stepped up Interior law enforcement’s role in apprehending illegal aliens on federal lands by 4,000 percent.
Interior law enforcement officials apprehended and turned over 4,010 individuals to U.S. Border Patrol agents from May to October, the department revealed Friday in a press release. That’s approximately 4,000 percent higher than the 126 illegal aliens turned over to border agents from May to October 2016.
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“Under the previous administration, Interior’s borderlands were basically an open door for illegal activity; and, what few law enforcement officers were down there were left unprotected and without the resources and backup needed to keep communities and themselves safe,” Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said in a statement
Zinke credited a “surge” in law enforcement agents for the increase in apprehensions. Zinke ordered 22 additional law enforcement agents to Interior-managed lands along the southern border in May.
They also turned back aliens and hauled in thousands of pounds of drugs.
“The first six months of the border surge proved that there is a huge problem with illegal crossings on Interior lands and that a prolonged and more robust operation is needed until the wall is completed,” Zinke said.
“We will increase our presence on the border in targeted regions and provide additional assistance to teams deploying in response to the oncoming caravan,” he added.
The cartels come through federal lands and they grow pot on U.S. federal lands.
Cartels have been operating on federal lands well within our borders. It’s not safe for Americans.
Rep. Rob Bishop tried to get legislation passed in 2012 that would help stop cartels from using federal lands. The House passed it but the White House opposed it.
There are extensive areas – within the U.S. – that have warning signs about illegal criminal activity and they are put up by our government. These are U.S. protected lands and parks that are too dangerous for American citizens unless touring with an armed guard.
Transnational cartels have been operating 80 miles within Arizona’s border for years. The following is a presentation by the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers. Border patrol cannot cover large swaths of land along the border because they don’t have access thanks to the environmental restrictions in Wilderness areas.
More than 80% of the wildfires on public lands are caused by illegal aliens. They often set fires to distract Border Patrol while they flee.
Cartels Have Settled 80 Miles Inside the U.S. Border on Public Lands
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