New Release: IRS Withheld Documents Proving Obama Targeted Conservatives


Koskinen has repeatedly stonewalled. Congress is looking to impeach him.

New documents obtained by government watchdog group Judicial Watch show the IRS targeting scandal was more expansive than we thought. The 695 pages were not given by the Obama administration to Congress and it’s obvious why they weren’t.

The records show IRS officials admitted to the political targeting and bribed some groups.

The documents were made available following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch in 2015.)

A June 20, 2013 memo from Karen Schiller, then acting-director, show her suspending the use of the controversial Be on the Lookout (BOLO) and Touch and Go (TAG) lists that were used for identifying terms conservative and liberal groups.

“In an August 9, 2013, memo, Schiller admitted the IRS used political labels in targeting the groups for special scrutiny and possible audit and that, going forward, the agency would screen organizations based only on their activities, ‘not words’ or ‘labels of any kind,'” Judicial Watch found.

Aditionally, the documents show IRS officials basically bribed groups and offered tax exempt status in exchange for limited political activity. In other words, limiting opposition to President Obama’s agenda.

The “Dear [Applicant]” letter that offers applicants an “expedited process” for 501( c) (4)s in exchange for restriction on their activities.

“No wonder the Obama IRS has been hiding these records. The new smoking-gun documents contain admissions by the Obama IRS that it inappropriately targeted conservative groups,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “But the records also show that the abuse continued – as the Obama IRS tried to force conservative applicants to give up their First Amendment rights in order to finally get their applications granted.”

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, who covered up many aspects of the IRS targeting scandal on behalf of former IRS official Lois Lerner, is still in charge of the agency. He was supposed to be impeached. Instead he is collecting his very fat pension. He could and should be fired. Why isn’t he?

Koskinen mocked conservatives, mocked Congress, smirking and lying his way through testimony as he withheld key documents. Why does he still run the IRS?

Barack Obama lied as well. He said there wasn’t a “smidgeon of corruption” and blamed Fox News for what he said was a “phony” scandal.

This is the first release of 7,000 pages.

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