10 Million Tax Dollars to Islamic Supremacist Sarsour Accused of Flashing ISIS Sign


Linda Sarsour, an American-born Muslim is the Executive Director of the taxpayer-funded Arab-American Association of New York. An Islamic supremacist and a political activist, Sarsour is anti-Semitic, anti-military, anti-white, open borders, and pro-sharia. Her family ties to Hamas and close affiliations to the terror-tied group CAIR should be cause for concern. One of the organizers of the Saturday women’s march, she seeks to unite Progressives of all stripes and has been successful at doing so. She is also uniting the hard-left with radical Islamists.

New York City taxpayers gave $10 million dollars to Linda Sarsour and her radicalized group. 

Expose Linda Sarsour

The next photo of Sarsour flashing the ISIS sign is unconfirmed but I put it up to make a point. To be fair, she has spoken against ISIS, however, at least indirectly, her support of Hamas is no different. Hamas is a global jihadist group except they focus on Israel. They have better PR than ISIS and play to the anti-Semites.

Personally, I believe this photo is photoshopped. The finger looks superimposed.

Sarsour is the chief propagandist for radical Islam. Any mention of it is Islamophobia in her mind. When Hirsi Ali tried to expose the dark underbelly of the Muslim Brotherhood with a documentary, radical Islamist apologist Sarsour silenced the opposition.

Listen to the facts about the Muslim Brotherhood plan to infiltrate the United States society and politics.

Her speech to CAIR:

The irony in this next photo goes without saying. This comes from a group that never marches for the rights of women in radical Islamist countries.

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