Jamal Khashoggi Wore an Apple Watch & Recorded His Own Murder


On Wednesday evening, The Washington Post reported that the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salmon ordered journalist Jamal Khashoggi lured to Saudi Arabia to be detained. Mr. Khashoggi wasn’t about to go. He told friends he didn’t trust them.

He has written unfavorable articles about the Crown Prince. Mr. Khashoggi has been in self-imposed exile in the United States out of fear of retaliation.

On October 2, he went to the Saudi Arabian embassy in Istanbul to get paperwork and never left — alive.

Khashoggi, 59, has been missing since he entered the Saudi embassy to get divorce paperwork. He wanted to marry his fiancé.

The Post report cited U.S. intelligence intercepts of Saudi officials discussing the plan to lure him to Saudi Arabia. The Turks also interviewed some of Khashoggi’s friends.

Earlier Wednesday, Turkish media published surveillance footage of the men Ankara believes to have been part of an “assassination squad.”

Reports leaked out that the journalist was murdered and dismembered.


Charles Payne spoke with the Gulf Institute Director Ali Al-Ahmed on Thursday who had a bombshell. He told Payne the Turkish government knows Khashoggi was murdered and they know when.

“The Turkish government has proof that Khashoggi is dead. They have audio of the incident. It was recorded from his Apple Watch that he was wearing according to his iPhone.”

The Washington Post journalist appears to have had the presence of mind to activate it.

The Apple Watch gave the specific time and location of the murder. They also know where the body parts were brought.


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