James Woods Nails NBC News as They Hoist Themselves on Their Own Petard


Andrea Mitchell, ace NBC News reporter, tried to bash the White House by citing the wrong law. She made a fool of herself. It isn’t the first time, won’t be the last. James Woods noticed and was able to get the word out with his usual penchant for nailing people with few words.

Amid the Twitter feud between the White House and leftist Senators Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, Mitchell attempted to defend the open borders senators.

The White House targeted the two because, due to their open borders’ policies, they are supporting criminals. The White House accused Harris of “supporting the animals of MS-13”. The WH also attacked Warren for “supporting criminals moving weapons, drugs, and victims across our nation’s borders.”

She defended them by saying in a tweet: “Re: White House tweets attacking Senators: Section 1352(a) of Title 31: No part of the money appropriated by any enactment of Congress shall … be used directly or indirectly to pay for any … written matter … intended or designed to influence in any manner a Member of Congress,”

Former Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub, a far-left Trump hater, responded to Mitchell’s tweet explaining that the statute “nothing to do” with the situation and “doesn’t even include the language she quoted.” This is an anti-Trump guy saying this.

Read about it at Fox News. This is NBC’s star reporter, an icon who is held up as the best of the best.

Actor James Woods described her situation perfectly in a tweet.

NBC dumped the peacock in 2012 and changed their slogan to Let’s make histor, Again. Actually, they are making UP history. At that time, she claimed the the original Romney family came across the Mexican border illegally.

It wasn’t true. The Mexican Romneys were U.S. citizens. Mitchell’s a dingbat and NBC News should be renamed the National Bolshevik Corporation.

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