Journalist Fired After Wishing Death on Covington Boys & Parents


The journalist who wished death on the Covington boys and their families was fired.

Erik Abriss, a post-production supervisor at INE Entertainment and a pop culture contributing writer at Vulture magazine, wrote Saturday, “I don’t know what it says about me but I’ve truly lost the ability to articulate the hysterical rage, nausea, and heartache this makes me feel. I just want these people to die. Simple as that. Every single one of them. And their parents,” according to The Wrap.

Abriss was angry about a short video clip that seemed to show Kentucky Covington Catholic school boys in Kentucky smirking and acting disrespectfully towards a Native American separatist and Standing Rock agitator.

When the two-hour video was posted, and the boys explained the situation, it became clear that at worst it was a nothing burger. The boys were wearing “MAGA” hats at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington waiting for their bus as a crazy hate group called the New Israelites cursed at and threatened them. That’s when the nasty Native American marched up to one boy and banged his drum inches from his face and told him to go back to Europe. The boys had attended the March for Life the day before.

In another tweet, Mr. Abriss wrote, “Racism is in its Boomer death throes. It will die out with this younger generation!’ Look at the shit-eating grins on all those young white slugs’ faces. Just perverse pleasure at wielding a false dominion they’ve been taught their whole life was their divine right. F–ing die,” The Wrap reported.

He’s a nutcase who doesn’t believe in due process or waiting for the facts. The guy’s scary. INE fired him.

INE Entertainment called Mr. Abriss‘ comments “offensive” in a statement announcing his firing Monday.“We were surprised and upset to see the inflammatory and offensive rhetoric used on Erik Abriss‘ Twitter account this weekend. He worked with the company in our post-production department and never as a writer,” the company said.

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