Joy Behar Makes Nasty Racist Comments on The View


An accusation without evidence is enough to derail a Supreme Court nominee in Orwell’s America.

Joy Behar called white America racists who are concerned about losing their “white power”.

People are concerned about the invasion and the open borders but that doesn’t make people racist. Behar managed to find racism in the Kavanaugh fiasco even though everyone involved is white.

“But the people on the Republican side, it looks like to me, do not want to investigate this any further,” Behar shared. “They just want to hold onto their power. They know that this country is getting darker. White Europeans are now 61 percent of the population … yeah, complexion.”

“Yes. That’s what I mean. 61 percent are white Caucasians. In 2045, it will be 49 percent, so it’s going down,” she added. “So it’s almost like they’re worried that white people are going to lose all their power, so they don’t care if she’s lying or she’s not lying or he’s lying.”

These people only want “white power”.

Whoopi actually said — again — that this assault on Judge Kavanaugh with no facts and no evidence was a job interview. What job interview accuses someone of committing crimes without any evidence whatsoever? Are they really this stupid or do they just think the rest of us are?

They are also clueless about the pointlessness of having another FBI probe.

These dingbats have strong opinions but not a lot of smarts.

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