Judge Napolitano Says Session Has the Evidence to Send Hillary’s Case to a Grand Jury


Judge Napolitano said the current evidence we have on Hillary Clinton is enough to be presented to a grand jury without further investigation. His comments were in response to the release of even more Hillary Clinton/Huma Abedin emails giving evidence of pay-to-play activity. The emails also appear to show that Huma Abedin was in possession of classified information she was not entitled to have.

Judicial Watch, a private government watchdog, was able to obtain the information our government would not release.

The media doesn’t care about this story.

Judge Napolitano said to Stuart Varney on his Fox Business show, “Is this enough to cause Jeff Sessions to present the evidence against her for the misuse of state secrets to a grand jury? Absolutely! Do they need a special prosecutor? No, they don’t, Are they bound by Jim Comey’s decision not to prosecute? They are absolutely not bound by it.”

“Actually he [Attorney General Sessions] doesn’t have to investigate,” the Judge said. “He has a truckload of materials that the FBI accumulated under Jim Comey which paints a picture of a mountain-load of her guilt.”

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