Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Does Get Plenty of Rest on the Job


Democrats are desperate to keep Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg alive as long as President Trump is in office. They are even offering up transplanted body parts from their own bodies. RBG has promised to not retire for at least five years when she will hit the ripe old age of 90 years.

She has made it clear she does not believe in term or age limits.

The job has been good to her. It’s a place where she can get a lot of rest.


Justice Ginsburg claims she was sloshed during the State of the Union address in 2015. She blamed Justice Kennedy for bringing in the wine. In any case, she was able to sleep during the President’s speech.

None of the three evening broadcast shows mentioned it.


By the end of that year, she was sleeping to Pope Francis’s speech.

In 2006, FNC correspondent Megyn Kendall reported on Special Report that the Justice slept during oral arguments over political redistricting in Texas.

“It is one of the biggest redistricting cases the high court has heard in years, but the special two hour argument proved less then compelling to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who at times appeared to be, well, asleep.”

“The subject matter was extremely technical,” notes AP writer Gina Holland, “and near the end of the argument Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dozed in her chair.”

“Justices David Souter and Samuel Alito, who flank the 72-year-old, looked at her but did not give her a nudge,” writes Holland.

Dana Milbank at The Washington Post noticed and wrote:

“But the geometric discussion evidently did not interest Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. At first, she appeared to be reading something in her lap. But after a while, it became clear: Ginsburg was napping on the bench. By Bloomberg News’s reckoning — not denied by a court spokeswoman — Ginsburg’s snooze lasted a quarter of an hour.”

“It’s lucky for Ginsburg that the Supreme Court has so far refused to allow television in the courtroom, for her visit to the land of nod would have found its way onto late-night shows.”

At least when she fell asleep in 2009, she had company.

She fell asleep during President Obama’s State of the Union address in 2010 also.

A member of the Elect told ‘Above the Law’ in 2010 that when she fell asleep, it was unclear who was sitting next to her to wake her up: “I’d bet anything that RBG was actually referring to oral argument at the Court. She has a penchant for falling asleep there as well, and DHS [Souter] sat next to her.”

Here she is in 2014:

Then there is 2013:


When she is not sleeping, she’s struggling to get her thoughts out.

Last year, Ginsburg, 84 at the time, spoke with CNN’s Poppy Harlow at Columbia University and it was embarrassing. Harlow had to ask questions slowly.


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