Kamala Harris Says We Can Pay for Green New Deal! ‘It’s Not About Cost’


Kamala Harris sounds exactly like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when it comes to the Green New Deal (GND). That is hardly a good thing. When asked several times how she would pay for it, she said, “It’s not about cost.”

What is she talking about?

The GND gives income security to those “unwilling to work,” tears down or retrofits every building in the USA in ten years, eliminates “farting cows” and air travel, and takes over all aspects our lives. It centralizes everything.

Harris also wants reparations, universal income, and the elimination of all private health insurance.

How would Kamala pay for it? The California senator says “it’s not about cost.”
She thinks Democrats have to be practical and being practical means “it’s well within our capacity” to change our habits. [If not, the government will make you.]

It’s not “about a cost, it’s an investment.” She insisted, “Of course we can pay for it!” [through theft, and even then, of course, we can’t]

Harris would not tell CNN’s John King how she would pay for it, no matter how many times he asked. She thinks the climate is an existential threat and we can control it. Actually, Kamala is an existential threat.

For Kamala, it is about cost when it comes to border security, military funding, and pay raises.

The woman isn’t ready for primetime. But she sounds so certain and self-assured as she says nothing.



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