Does everyone remember how everyone on the right was told they could say nothing against the far-left student who claimed victimhood in Parkland? We weren’t allowed to criticize David Hogg as he called innocent NRA members “murderers.” It doesn’t work in reverse for the left, even when the targets are INNOCENT.
Along come the teens from the Covington Catholic High School and all that is out the window. They are vilified unfairly in the press and by fools like Kathy Griffin, the aging unfunny comic.
For thos unfamiliar with the situation, the truth has come to light and the boys are innocent. You can read the background below if you are unfamiliar with the situation.
Kathy Griffin is an evil, hatemongering clown who thinks insulting and destroying people she disagrees with is a legitimate way to gain popularity. Without investigating, and taking everything at face value, she has tried to destroy the reputation of a school and minor boys, she doesn’t even know.
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Griffin called for them to be DOXXED. She is retweeting those who mock the school which she says is pathetic and impotent. The loser wants the names of the kids so she can SHAME them. And, of course, as is customary for her, she calls these minors ‘F*CKERS.”
She says it’s Trump’s fault
Then she says it’s all President Trump’s fault. The boys dared to wear MAGA hats.
Know-nothing Griffin said Trump is “unleashing explicit racism and bigotry into America’s body politic,” adding, “America was literally built upon violence against indigenous peoples.”
Griffin must subscribe to the Communist Zinn history taught in schools today. Not to justify legitimate wrongs, but indigenous people gave as good as they got. America was built on the hard work, rugged individualism, and the firm belief in God and Christian principles of the settlers. Yes, there was bad, but mostly greatness.
Getting back to Griffin, she is an evil woman who rolls around in her newly-found fame built on anger and hate. One day, she will consider what she has done, and it won’t be good for her.
Oooh gurrrl, you’ve triggered lots of verrrry threatened bros. Yummy. It’s delicious👏👏🏻👏🏼👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) January 21, 2019
The kids didn’t know he was a veteran. They didn’t even know what was going on. They thought it was a cultural display.
Well, well, well, looking here. Maybe you should let this fine Catholic school know how you feel about their students behavior toward the Vietnam veteran, Native American #NathanPhilips
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) January 20, 2019
The school said they would investigate and the kid could face suspension and expulsion. Griffin wants him expelled without investigation.
Ps. The reply from the school was pathetic and impotent. Name these kids. I want NAMES. Shame them. If you think these fuckers wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat, think again.
— Kathy Griffin (@kathygriffin) January 20, 2019
The racism comes from Griffin who continuously insults white people, old, white men, religious people, America, and now Catholics.
She retweeted this:
As much as we should point fingers at Trump for unleashing explicit racism and bigotry into America’s body politic, I am reminded that America was literally built upon violence against indigenous peoples.
This is in America’s DNA.
— Karen Attiah (@KarenAttiah) January 19, 2019
Super Smug Bros.
— send me your shutdown stories pls (@kenklippenstein) January 19, 2019
One caveat I would say here is more could come out, but so far the evidence proves these boys are innocent.
The boys in MAGA hats in D.C. were innocent of insulting the Native-American drummer, and every accusation is dealt with here and here. What the superficial media took to be a smirk on one boy’s face was not a smirk at all. He and the other boys were calling out cheers while waiting for the bus and didn’t understand what was going on. They thought Nathan Phillips, the Native-American separatist, was beating the drum to their cheers in a friendly way, so they continued only to find out they were being used for a political stunt.
Nathan Phillips, the radical leftist, walked into the crowd of boys and started banging the drum inches from the ‘smirking’ boys’ face for several long minutes when a black hate group joined in, threatening the boys. Other adult leftists in the background also screamed out in a very unfriendly way.
Read one boy’s description on this link and if you click the links above, you will find explanations and videos proving their innocence in our estimation. This was a ploy for publicity by radical leftists.
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