“You have a bunch of kids, standing around minding their own business, being confronted by a radical, militant black group and a radical Native American banging his war drum…and the first reaction is it’s the kids’ fault.” ~ Rush Limbaugh
This Is the World the Left Wants!
Death threats and other abuse are still being waged against the Covington boys and their families. It’s the usual hate against white people, white boys, boys in MAGA hats, by racists and their hate-filled followers.
Kathy Griffin is enjoying herself doxxing these boys and she needs to be sued. We reported this already, but she deserves continued attention.
She went on a tear earlier.
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Actor Ron Pearlman should be proud of himself, wishing a lifetime of misery on the Covington boys, already proven innocent with a two-hour video, not the one short moment in time clip pushed by leftists.
Actor Ron Pearlman inciting a “lifetime” of harassment against the #CovingtonBoys https://t.co/WS7FIDKZuU
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) January 21, 2019
We posted this up earlier. He’s the famous Disney producer dirtbag.
ASSHOLES #CovingtonBoys https://t.co/cjbbQzqcuS
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) January 21, 2019
The feminists were out.
“Boys will be boys.” Sorry but that sh^t won’t fly anymore. A big FU to every single boy making fun of our Native American elder. #CovingtonBoys https://t.co/x8ZuRtobOQ
— BCarrz (@bcarrz) January 21, 2019
The left is now accusing the kids of racism as you can see from the misinterpreted photo below. It’s based on an old video where they appear in black paint. The accusation is another lie.
The kids were participating in a “blackout” event where fans wear one sole color. Almost all of the students in the video are wearing black clothing of some kind, some from head to toe.
Idiot Carrz, look here:
OMG – White face, too????? The horror! For anyone interested, here’s the context behind the scaaarrry image of the #CovingtonBoys in black face: https://t.co/c7m9sPGXtN @ali #VerifiedBullies pic.twitter.com/Nwvm0iCek8
— Pneumatic Tube (@PneumaticTube) January 22, 2019
Here is another quality photo in which we try to distract the player. This time it’s Hawaiian theme, cause you know we do that. Behind the ref is our Dean of Discipline making sure we don’t get too close. pic.twitter.com/zWT4P7HTU8
— Ryan Toler (@ryantoler_) January 22, 2019
The moron in this tweet is actually going with the fake white power sign. It’s an ‘okay’ sign you moron.
#CovingtonBoys White power huh? Little liars! pic.twitter.com/5thV3vxpqq
— Janet (@MotownBrat) January 21, 2019
#CovingtonBoys white power hand signs right on their website pic.twitter.com/5v8lhurMlA
— Jeremy king (@KingJk1978) January 22, 2019
These people are literally, morons.
On #CovingtonBoys: if you wear a hate inspired hat, people are gonna think you’re hate filled.
To be crystal clear, I’m taking about the #maga hat. You wear one, you tell the world who you are.
— Dónal O‘Beirne (@DonoYEG) January 21, 2019
Twitter is still trending the deceitful, vile lies even though it is truly hate speech.
How is @Twitter still allowing this to run as a trending headline? #CovCath #CovingtonBoys pic.twitter.com/eRUzIHS5yo
— one man’s thoughts (@onemans_thought) January 21, 2019
Here’s more for the families lawsuits.
Hey @TwitterSafety why do you allow people like @WheelerWalkerJr to threaten sexual assault against kids? Surely, you have a record of his deleted tweet in your servers. Can you clarify your policy on such threats? The world would like to know. Thanks. CC: @Jack pic.twitter.com/LYoHZLsiiw
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) January 21, 2019
Hopefully, the families will sue. They want to. They were all put in danger and evil people like Kathy Griffin who called for their doxxing need to be held to account.
We’re getting new submissions every 30 seconds. Every member of the media who defamed, slandered, and doxxed the #CovingtonBoys on Twitter will be served.
Each and every tweet will be archived and turned over to the students’ legal counsel. pic.twitter.com/nk4DkQ7AmK
— CJ Pearson (@thecjpearson) January 20, 2019
Anybody know how to get in touch with Nick Sandmann or his parents? I’d like to set up a GoFundMe to raise say, 150k that they can use to sue mainstream media outlets that are continuing to slander them. @CassandraRules maybe? #CovingtonBoys
— John Hawkins (@johnhawkinsrwn) January 22, 2019
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