Killed on Thanksgiving by Illegal Who Blew the Light & Never Slowed Down


Democrats do not consider breaking motor vehicle laws to be offenses warranting deportation. Many Democrats will tell you ‘small crimes’ like assault are not grounds to deport. Why aren’t they? The answer is we’ve been desensitized.

Why are we keeping people in the country who are not good citizens and who came here by breaking our laws? A case in point is the hit-and-run driver who blew a red light and killed a young woman on Thanksgiving morning. Her body was so destroyed that her parents can’t view it. Her killer was out on bond for assault.


On Thanksgiving morning, a young and bubbly 6th-grade teacher Amanda Ferguson Weyant was killed by a 24-year old illegal alien Joel Velazquez who plowed his car into her.

The killer fled and ditched the car, turning himself in two days later. Perhaps he gave himself time to sober up? Police say he blew through a red light just before 2 a.m. Thursday morning when he hit her without even slowing down, throwing her body 50 feet after she crashed into his windshield.

Grief counselors were sent to her school today. She was beloved.

Velazquez was out on bond for an assault charge.

Amanda’s father spoke at the candlelight vigil that was held for his daughter earlier Sunday saying, “I have no words to express why Mandy has left at such an early age. I was happy to give her a hug the very first day she was born, and the last night before she died I got to hug her and tell her I love her.”

Her best friend Desiree Martinez told ABC 7, “She was the type of person, that would give you the last dollar in her purse, she was full of joy, always brought a smile to everybody. Whenever your feeling down, think of Mandy and mandy will get you through it.”

Her family wants the man responsible for their daughter’s death to be held accountable.
“He’s destroyed my family. My daughter, Mandy, was the glue that held my family in place, she was my everything,” said Dan Ferguson.

“I saw where my daughter was hit and where her body was 50 feet from the point of contact. He didn’t even attempt to stop to render aid,” said Ferguson.

“This man, because of his careless actions, has destroyed a complete family,” said Ferguson.

The family says they learned Velazquez has a criminal past and was in the country illegally.

“It just doesn’t add up, it doesn’t seem to be fair,” said Ferguson.

Mandy’s parents are trying to find peace in the memories and the joy their daughter brought to so many people.

“She was my world, she was my wife’s best friend but she was my baby girl,” said Ferguson

But they also want accountability and justice for Mandy.

“Everything was perfect in her life and to have it all taken and senselessly destroyed this is something no parent should go through,” said Ferguson.

Leftists in this country are driving and funding the illegal immigration. This war on the border is real. The leftists’ goal is to embarrass the U.S. government so it can’t even control its own borders. The elite media will spend no time on Mandy Ferguson, but they will lament the migrants trying to illegally break into our country.

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