Last Days of the 9th Circus


The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals — often referred to as the 9th Circus — has taken its last gasp. The endless rubber-stamped rulings of the far-left Court is at an end.

The Republican-controlled Senate on Wednesday afternoon confirmed Lawrence VanDyke to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, marking President Trump’s 50th successful appellate court appointment in just three years in office, and his second to the historically liberal 9th Circuit.

Of the 30 active seats on the 9th Circuit, 10 have now been appointed by Trump, and 14 by Republican presidents.

Only nine of the court’s 19 semi-retired “senior status” judges were appointed by Democrats, with 10 by Republicans. That’s a major change from early last year when only six of the active judges on the 9th Circuit were chosen by Republicans.

As of 2018, the Supreme Court had overturned an eye-popping 115 cases in the previous decade referred from the 9th Circuit,  for a stunning 76 percent overturn rate.

The Court is very powerful and covers nine western states along with the territorial courts of Guam and North Mariana Islands. It handles a massive caseload.

Most cases never make it to the Supreme Court and the Appeals Courts become the final word, forcing leftist decisions down Americans’ throats.

In all, President Trump has appointed over 170 justices to the federal court throughout the nation, including two (so far) Supreme Court justices.

The President appoints judges who are originalists as compared with the Democrat-appointed activist judges who dominated the 9th Circuit for decades.

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