Last Week Was Bad for Porn Lawyer Avenatti, This Week Is TERRIBLE!


Last week, porn lawyer Michael Avenatti lost a lawsuit for $4.85 million which he has to pay out of pocket. On the same day, he was evicted from his office for failure to pay rent for four months. That follows him losing a Stormy lawsuit to Donald Trump. He lost big. Stormy has to pay legal costs.

This week just got a whole lot worse. The Senate Judiciary has referred Avenatti to the FBI.

Avenatti is the one who came up with the outrageous Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick who changed her sworn testimony during an interview. She went from seeing the judge spike a punch bowl 35 years before to seeing him near the punch bowl. Instead of “trains of men”, she saw some boys in a group by a closed door. And the list of lies goes on.

The porn lawyer swore by his shady witness who came with lots of baggage. Without evidence, he viciously campaigned against Kavanaugh with outlandish accusations.

The Senate has told the FBI to investigate Avenatti, The Washington Times reported. We are guessing he won’t come out well.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley asked the Justice Department Thursday to investigate anti-Trump lawyer Michael Avenatti and his client Julie Swetnick, saying they appear to have fed “false” information in accusing Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh of involvement in gang rapes.

Mr. Grassley said Ms. Swetnick gave multiple versions of her story and said the timing of the allegations was so suspect that it deserves a full investigation.

He supports whistleblowers but they have to have a legitimate story to tell.

It is very important for him to do this to dissuade other would-be accusers who slander people with no evidence. By rights, he should do the same with “credible” Christine Blasey Ford.

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