Leftists Win! Border Patrol Stops Prosecuting Illegal Aliens with Children


The Democrat Socialist Party is the party of open borders. The only policy they will accept is ‘catch and release’. The phony angst over the separation of parents and children at the border is to force the ‘catch and release’ policy. It has worked. The Border Patrol is no longer referring illegal alien parents for prosecution.

This way parent and child — if it’s their child — won’t be separated.

President Obama separated 72,000 parents and children by 2014 but there was hardly a peep in the media.

The foreigners coming across our borders illegally know that if they bring a child — anyone’s child — they will get to stay in the United States. With leftist laws requiring lawyers, hearings and limited detention, they have it made. The message is clear — illegal aliens can pour in with some child and simply wait for amnesty.

The Border Patrol has stopped referring illegal immigrant parents for prosecution, a top official confirmed Monday. The media is rejoicing over the latest “hiccup”, refusing to tell the truth to Americans that the alternative is open borders with anonymous strangers flooding the gates.

The Visigoths are at the gates.

Custom and Border Protection commissioner Kevin McAleenan, who oversees Border Patrol, said unless agents can separate families, they can’t prosecute the parents.

The borders are wide open.

Mr. McAleenan said he’s working on a plan to resume prosecutions. Lots of luck with that.

Meanwhile, these moochers will get to stay.  Parents who sneak in with children will get a pass and the world knows about it.

What kind of person takes a child on a journey like that to get U.S. benefits? The left would have you believe they are all wonderful but desperate people. Some might be, perhaps most, but the rest are lowlifes who are child abusers.

The zero-tolerance policy tried to combat this incentive of bringing children on a dangerous journey with criminals. It isn’t working so the lowlifes will still send innocent children on this journey and it will reap benefits. In fact, it will grow worse. Americans will be stuck with these losers affecting our policies.

We are destroying ourselves.

In no time at all, we will be a leftist Third World “s***hole”.

Thank you Democrats!

Creepy big government Schumer has a solution — more big government. He wants an unnecessary Federal Czar to reunify these foreign invaders.

The USA is going down. Once Americans decided big government was okay and a cut to the budge is a cut in the increase, it was all over. The bigger the government, the less freedom we all have. Our masters, the elite, like Schumer and Nancy Pelosi will control us.

Don’t people see what is going on? We’ve seen it thoughout history — in China, Cuba, and so many other countries.

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