Levi Jeans Announces Its New Fully Anti-Second Amendment Policies


Levi Jeans just went political against our Second Amendment — very political. The leftist Democrats have made everything political — even our jeans. It’s ruining the country.

The Hill reported that Levi Strauss’s CEO and President Chip Bergh wrote in Fortune Tuesday that the company “simply cannot stand by silently when it comes to issues that threaten the very fabric of the communities where we live and work.”

Why did he have to bring the company into it?

He claims we might be wondering why a company that doesn’t manufacture or sell guns is “wading into this issue. He says it’s because “Americans shouldn’t have to live in fear of gun violence.”

Question asked and not answered.

Perhaps Democrats should spend their time exploring the root causes of this violence, like gangs, instead of worrying about the weapon used. In the UK, they banned guns, then they banned knives and started confiscating scissors and garden tools. Now they are banning household chemicals because of the daily acid attacks. What will come next, cars?

Democrats are going down that rabbit hole which will only hurt the innocent who get their guns legally. Criminals will still have them or they will use something else, a bomb, acid, a machete.

His claim is his company is “values-driven”. Apparently, his values don’t include the Constitution.

Levi will partner with Bloomberg’s Everytown which intends to eliminate the Second Amendment.

The company will donate a million dollars to these far-left groups and other executives. He’s going to involve other companies.

This has nothing to do with responsible gun ownership. It’s about gun grabbing.

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