The Supreme Court says 85-year-old Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg fractured three ribs in a fall in her office at the court and is in the hospital. It has leftists who don’t even believe in God offering up prayers and offering up suggestions on what to do about her latest problem.
The court says the justice went to George Washington University Hospital in Washington early Thursday after experiencing discomfort overnight. The court says the fall occurred Wednesday evening. She is being kept in the hospital for observation.
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Justice Ginsburg has survived both pancreatic and colon cancer and had heart surgery in 2014.
Justice Ginsburg hospitalized:
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) November 8, 2018
She has had a broken rib before. The justice is tough.
That brings us to the liberal solutions for her problems. They have been offering their ribs and organs on social media to keep her going. They even started the hashtag #RibsForRuth on Twitter. Others want to put her in bubble wrap.
We can probably assume they’re not serious or they are 12-year olds making the offer, but who knows.
Do they need rib donors? Because she can have mine. Right now. #RibsForRuth
— Tamar (@stoplookingup) November 8, 2018
Keep RBG in a bubble like that John Travolta movie
— Gritty Van Fleet (@kbloggins) November 8, 2018
*a gofundme to put RBG in a giant plastic hamster ball insulated with cotton balls and bubble wrap*
— maura quint (@behindyourback) November 8, 2018
when you read a headline & your heart sinks IMMEDIATELY.
Wrap this woman up in bubble wrap NOW. #RBG
— Mike Wickett (@mikewickett) November 8, 2018
It’s like $83 at Wal-Mart.
I’ll personally pay for it.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
This is your new home.— Jarrett Bellini (@JarrettBellini) November 8, 2018
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s office should be lined with pillows until 2020.
— Kurt Schlosser (@kslosh) November 8, 2018