LOL Rosie O’Donnell Leads a Teeny Weeny Protest Outside the White House Before Trump’s Speech


Rosie O’Donnell led an insane protest outside the White House before Trump’s speech before a teeny little audience of mostly media.

The media quoted her as if she was making sense. Her rant about the President being a “mean man” and that he “hates women” was insane.

“I don’t know him,” O’Donnell said, “I know he’s a bully, he’s a mean man, he hates women and he has taken away women’s rights,” Rosie bellowed insanely.

Rosie quoted from the Declaration of Independence, and then insisted “this is not Russia.” O’Donnell attacked the media for not reporting “the truth,” and insisted “we will go down and dirty from now on, just Donald Trump.”

“We have seen what you have done, sir,” O’Donnell yelled. “We have seen your connections with Russia – the game is over. The Internet rules – all media is universal. The truth matters, even if our major media companies will not call him a liar, we will. He lies!”

She had a group of about 200 present.

The fake news media covered it with a fake slant.

The rally, called  “A Resistance Address: Defending American Values in a Time of Moral Crisis, was attended by a number of groups, including the American Civil Liberties Union, Civic Action, the Hip Hop Caucus and DailyKos, according to NBC Washington.

HuffPo said “Rosie cut down Trump in a fiery speech outside the White House.” ABC News said “Rosie leads anti-Trump protest ahead of Trump speech”. CNN reported that “Rosie protests Trump outside the White House”. Only CBS reported there were a mere 200 present, though they neglected to mention they were almost all media.

They were less complimentary about Trump’s wonderful speech. The Washington Post basically called him a liar. The best of them were bland outside of Fox News.

The worst was The Boston Globe who headlined their coverage of his speech: “Trump ducks responsibility for Yemen raid”. Donald Trump quoted Gen. Mattis to reassure the widow that her husband’s death was not in vein, but to Boston Globe that means he ducked responsibility.

Some other comments by crazy Rosie:

“To Donald Trump and his pathetic band of white, privileged, criminal businessman… I would like to say to him Nyet, sir,” she said, using the Russian word for “No.”

“Nyet! Nyet! Nyet! No we won’t! We’ve seen what you have done sir!” the liberal comedian said. “We have seen your connections to Russia.”

“The game is over. The Internet rules. All media is universal,” she continued, before blasting the media for refusing to call Trump a liar.

“The truth matters!” she exclaimed. “He lies! He lies! He lies! He lies!”

The truth is that Rosie’s protest was almost 100% media.

Teasingly, reporter Jack Posobiec asked Rosie how much Soros was paying her but she pretended she barely knew of him.

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