London Bridge ‘hero’ is a murderer with a day off from prison

This next story is too crazy for words.

One of the men hailed as a hero for stopping the radical Islamist who killed two and wounded three others on London Bridge is a murderer out and about for the day.

The murderer had a day off from prison for some god-unknown reason. We are glad he did something good with his time but whaaaat?

This story is too crazy even for the liberal Londoners, but it’s true. It’s not satire.

“Convicted murderer James Ford, 42, was on day release from prison Friday when he saw the attack unfolding and rushed to help during the chaos,” The Washington Post reported.

“According to British media reports, Ford had attended the same prisoner rehabilitation event as [the 28-year-old attacker], a convicted Islamist terrorist, who killed two people before being shot dead by police.”

That worked so well for terrorist Usman Khan. He listened to the lectures and then went out and stabbed five innocent people on a bridge. [sarcasm]


James Ford

Ford was convicted of murdering 21-year-old Amanda Champion, who struggled with learning disabilities, in 2004 and was sentenced to a minimum of 15 years in prison. He was sentenced on what would have been her 22nd birthday.

Amanda Champion, murdered on her 22nd birthday

Champion’s aunt, 65-year-old Angela Cox, was angered when she learned that Ford had been released from prison for the day and said unequivocally that he was no hero.

“He is not a hero. He is a murderer out on day release, which us as a family didn’t know anything about. He murdered a disabled girl. He is not a hero, absolutely not,” Cox told The Daily Mail. “The police liaison officer called me saying he was on the TV. I am so angry. They let him out without even telling us. Any of my family could have been in London and just bumped into him.”

“It was a hell of a shock. It is a horrible thing. She said, ‘Have you heard about the incident in London today?’ and I hadn’t. She said, ‘Put in on now and you will see James Ford on the telly,’” Cox continued. “She said, ‘Don’t worry, it is not him that’s done anything, he’s there and he is being classed as a hero.’”

“For him to be called a hero – he is not, he is a cold-blooded murderer,” Cox concluded. “For no reason whatsoever, he just went out and murdered a disabled person. I don’t care what he’s done today, he’s a murderer. He is scum. Amanda was my niece and she was vulnerable and he took her life. He knew what he was doing. People don’t change.”

A 2004 BBC report said about Champion’s murder that Ford “strangled her using a wrestling hold and then slit her throat.”

Detective Chief Inspector Dean Barnes, of Kent Police, said: “Because it was a motiveless crime and a senseless crime, James Ford is a very dangerous man.

“In his own mind, he is telling us he doesn’t know why he did this and that makes him very dangerous to me.”


The terrorist who launched the attack yesterday was a convicted Islamic terrorist who had been released from prison less than a year ago after serving half of a 16-year sentence for plotting to blow up the London Stock Exchange.

They released him from prison early for some god-forsaken reason.

“In 2012, then-22-year-old Khan was sentenced to 16 years and jailed, along with eight others, for plotting to attack London landmarks, including the stock exchange and pubs in his hometown of Stoke-on-Trent,” The Washington Post reported.

Oh, and he’s al Qaeda too.

“Before his arrest in 2010, Khan was a member of a cell inspired by the al-Qaeda terrorist organization. The group was trying to assemble materials and knowledge to make pipe bombs and other explosive devices. The men were also fundraising to construct a religious school in Pakistan that would have been used instead to train terrorists.”

Well, you can see why they let him out of prison. He obviously presented no danger to anyone. He’s a hell of a guy. So is Mr. Ford. Two helluva guys.

Meanwhile, two innocent people are dead and three are suffering from injuries. It would be almost funny if it weren’t for the tragic death and injuries.

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