Low-Minded Response to Something President Trump May Have Said in Private


A self-promoting video artist with a penchant for demeaning Trump properties lit up the D.C. Trump International Hotel Saturday with the word “s***hole” projected onto the entrance.


This is his response to the President allegedly saying some countries are “s***holes”. The President denies it while admitting he used “tough language.”

Robin Bell’s response was to post photos and a video on Twitter advertising his lowbrow emoji display. There was a longer message also projected, claiming, “This is not normal” and “the president distracts us from politics that are harming us.”

What isn’t normal is what he did. First he projects an obscene emoji and then he brags about it.

It probably works. He’ll get work from the vulgar left because of it.

Bell is of the Alinsky left, the obscene people without boundaries manipulating the public at large with ruses and devices.

It’s a form of manipulation – mass mind control of sorts.

Normally we wouldn’t give a base nobody like him the attention but the projection says more about him than it does about Trump. It’s not clever, just low.

When they go low, we go high? Mrs. Obama must have been speaking about her people, especially Robin Bell.


In fact, several witnesses said he did not say it

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Homeland Security Secretary Kerstjen Nielsen, who was in the immigration policy meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers when President Donald Trump allegedly used the word “s***hole,” said she did not recall Trump making that comment.

Sunday, on ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. David Perdue (GA) who was in the immigration policy meeting said, “The gross misrepresentation was that language was used in there that was not used and also that the tone of that meeting was not contributory and not constructive.”

He added, “I’m telling you he did not use that word, George. And I’m telling you it’s a gross misrepresentation. How many times do you want me to say that?”

Sen.Tom Cotton joined “Face the Nation”  and said, “”I certainly didn’t hear what Sen. Durbin has said repeatedly. Sen. Durbin has a history of misrepresenting what happens in White House meetings, though, so perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised by that.”

h/t Zigmont

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