Madeline Albright Compares the Administration to Hitler, Mussolini


CNN outdid itself in viciousness thanks to an interview Sunday with Madeline Albright. Albright talked repeatedly of preserving ‘democracy’ because Democrats don’t want to understand that we are a Republic.

Along with interviewer Fareed Zakaria, she compared our administration to Fascist Mussolini, Nazi Hitler, the Philippines, Venezuela. She included the right-wingers in Poland and Hungary in her comparison to the Fascists and Nazis.

The only people stealing our liberty are the Democrats. President Trump is trying to restore the government to the people.

It must be noted that when leftists like Albright talk about ‘democracy’, they mean ‘democratic socialism’.

The left said Trump was going to put the Muslims in camps and end gay marriage. That didn’t happen, but what did happen is Barack Obama’s leadership on the issue of fake news has shut down conservatives and religious people on social media. It was Obama who violated the Constitution at least nine times. He is the one who opened our borders. We could go on all day talking about the authoritarian administration – the last one.

This is one nasty lady:

Update: 4/16/18: Albright walked it back slightly today on The Lead with Jake Tapper. He’s not a Fascist, just the most unDemocratic president ever. To her, democratic is Democratic Socialism.

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