Man who shot Cali officer was here illegally, protected in a sanctuary city


A man arrested and accused of shooting a California police officer was previously in jail and was in the country illegally, according to the Houston Chronicle and KCRA.

The California Highway Patrol arrested 51-year-old Guadalupe Lopez-Herrera of Dos Palos on Thursday after a 20-hour manhunt and a nearly hour-long high-speed chase.

He was in custody earlier this year on charges of domestic violence. According to Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke, he reportedly threatened the lives of his wife’s family.

The chase began when police tried to serve a warrant for another domestic violence claim. A sheriff’s sergeant was shot in the leg but is expected to recover.

“This person is not a legal citizen within the United States. We had him in our custody in January of this year. And because of the folks in Sacramento limiting our ability to cooperate with ICE, we could not turn him over,” Warnke said at a press conference on Thursday.

California loves it’s illegal alien criminals. They apparently wanted to hold onto this accused abuser. They are far more supportive of criminals than the police.

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