The play will go on. ‘Julius Caesar’, the play about the violent execution of President Trump as Julius Trump will go on after the near-massacre of Republicans on a ball field in Alexandria, Virginia yesterday. It is still being regaled by the NY Times, CNN’s anchor Fareed Zakaria and middle class New Yorkers who flock to see it. It puts Kathy Griffin’s severed head to shame, but it will go on.
This is the trend of today’s left. Yesterday, before the shootings, Steyn warned of exactly what took place. The hate and encouragement of violence will continue to grow worse, he says. This tape below which he recorded hours before the shooting should be required listening.
Democrats, the left, reject violence for appearances while giving tacit, and sometimes outright approval of the Antifa, the Anti-Fascists. They do it in part with hate speech laws aimed at the victims of the violent left. The laws dehumanize and incentivize people by putting their opponents in categories and labeling them. They denormalize the people with whom they disagree.
That makes it okay to beat up these people labeled as haters, Steyn says.
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Steyn says during the tape, if you’re beating up someone at a book launch, you’re the Fascist, you’re like the Nazis, they didn’t like books either. He was referring to an actual event seen in the clip.
Steyn gave three examples of an accelerating trend of the Democrat’s real-world glamorization of violence. He mentioned Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, who was poisoned in Iceland after a well-received speech, and Charles Murray, author of a controversial book on The Bell Curve. While Murray is not right-wing, he was kept from speaking. And finally, the liberal, female professor who was hosting Murray was beaten and put in the hospital.
There are people who write and draw, Steyn said, like at Charlie Hebdo, and there are people who kill. The Western left are on the same continuum as the Hebdo killers. They are both in the shut up business. They will hurt you to keep you from speaking. The left doesn’t want to debate, they want to end the debate.
During this speech, The Seduction of Violence, he said the glamorization of violence on the left is getting worse and someone is going to get killed.
That almost happened yesterday and still might as two victims remain in critical condition. The Twitter sewer entertained thousands of tweets by leftists claiming it was deserved, they thought it too bad the shooter wasn’t more successful, and unexpectedly, they railed how Trump should be next.
Steyn addresses Kathy Griffin and the severed head, saying it is exciting for the left. The current production of ‘Julius Caesar’, who is actually Julius Trump, is exciting the left. New Yorkers are seeing it and loving it, wanting to see the violent stabbing death of Donald Trump and the execution of Melania. To the left, it’s great to see it, it’s great to see Griffin waving a head. They don’t have the guts to do it themselves but they love to watch.
There’s something disturbing going on here, Steyn says. The left is moving closer and closer to Kathy Griffin’s severed head.
If you are wearing a mask, if you’re beating up people, if you’re sending a female professor to hospital, you’re the Fascist.
He ended with a quote by a French philosopher on the lofty idea of anti-racism that has become a hideous ideology. It will be to the 21st century, what communism was to the last. The anti-racists and anti-fascists will become the source of violence.
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