Maxine Waters Wants 100,000 More Unvetted Syrians


The hard-left held a publicized telephone call with Maxine Waters on Sunday during which she backed the MoveOn petition calling for 100,000 more Syrian refugees, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Waters claimed that if Trump “really cared about the plight of Syrian children … he would rescind his executive  order banning Syrian refugees.”

Trump’s executive order was signed in January, and indefinitely banned Syrian refugees from entering the country, temporarily.

Our intelligence officials have said there is no way to vet Syrians. There is no reliable documentation from Syria.

While people like Maxine are demanding we take in people we can’t screen, no one is talking about the genocidal slaughter of Christians in the Middle East and in Africa.

Piers Morgan, Daily Mail editor, discussed the genocide of Christians in the Middle East with Tucker Carlson this evening.

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