Mayor Signer Wants Lee’s Statue Removed from Charlottesville Immediately


The mayor of Charlottesville on Friday called for an emergency meeting of state lawmakers to allow for the immediate removal of the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. The governor rejected it swiftly because the case is under litigation.

Mayor Mike Signer said recent clashes over race and the Confederacy had turned “equestrian statues into lightning rods” and urged Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe to convene a special session of the General Assembly.

It was a gathering of several hundred Nazis, KKK, and white nationalists met by an equal number of communists, socialists and anarchists of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

“We can, and we must, respond by denying the Nazis and the KKK and the so-called alt-right the twisted totem they seek,” Mayor Signer said in a statement.

The legal challenge makes that impossible. A law passed in 1998 forbids local governments from removing or damaging war monuments, but there remains legal ambiguity about whether that applies to statues erected before the law was passed.

McAuliffe spokesman Brian Coy said the governor won’t call a special session while the issue is being decided in court.

“The governor hopes the court will rule in the city’s favor soon and encourages Mayor Signer to focus on that important litigation rather than a redundant emergency session,” Coy said.

McAuliffe did sign an executive order Friday afternoon temporarily banning any public demonstrations at a monument in Richmond, which is in the middle of a traffic circle on beautiful Monument Avenue.

Also Friday, the mother of a woman who was killed while protesting the rally said that she won’t talk to President Donald Trump because of comments he made after her daughter’s death. Speaking on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Susan Bro said she initially missed the first few calls to her from the White House. But she said “now I will not” talk to the president after a news conference in which Trump equated violence by white supremacists at the rally with violence by those protesting the rally.

Many of those protesting were just as violent. The President was not referring to her daughter who was simply crossing the street when hit by James Fields, an alleged Hitler-loving Neo-Nazi.

Bro’s daughter Heather Heyer was killed along with two police officers whose helicopter crashed. Another 19 were injured, two seriously.

The President made several statements but only the one condemning only the Nazis and KKK was acceptable to the media and politicians. When he said there was violence on both sides, he was lambasted.

They all came for violence. The Nazi/KKK group had a permit. The communists did not and came to silence them.

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