McCarthyite Rep. Swalwell Wants Law Against Insulting Reporters


Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) introduced the “Journalist Protection Act” in the House Monday which would make attacking or intimidating journalists a federal crime. It is a hate speech law by a McCarthyite. Swalwell accuses Republicans of being Putin’s waterboys on a regular basis [see video below].

The Democrat representative thinks the President has created a “toxic atmosphere” for reporters. It’s actually the other way around. Toxic reporters are harming our Republic.

The bill makes it a federal crime “to intentionally cause bodily injury to a journalist affecting interstate or foreign commerce in the course of reporting or in a manner designed to intimidate him or her from newsgathering for a media organization,” and “represents a clear statement that assaults against people engaged in reporting is unacceptable, and helps ensure law enforcement is able to punish those who interfere with newsgathering.”

That’s very vague and broad, just enough to give our police state the power to shut down free speech.

Swalwell claimed Trump referring to “fake news” reporting by mainstream media outlets is “a stain on America,” He also had a problem with Trump retweeting a video of him body-slamming a person with a CNN logo head.

The poor man who put a gif like it on Reddit was threatened by fake news CNN. They were going to out him if he ever did it again. The man wasn’t even the creator of the gif Trump retweeted.

When CNN doxxed the poor man, social media blew up with gifs mocking CNN. Was that Trump’s fault???

Swalwell referenced the media as “enemy of the people” statement Trump made which is continually taken out of context by the poisonous media.

Swalwell claimed. “It’s not just about labeling reports of his constant falsehoods as #FakeNews – it’s his casting of media personalities and outlets as anti-American targets, and encouraging people to engage in violence.”

This is one of those hate speech laws that he’s counting on controlling people. He doesn’t want anyone criticizing the lying Democrat media. The media is not trustworthy and people know it. The Fourth Estate, the nattering nabobs of negativism, need to constantly keep up the angst to get clicks to pay their fake news reporters. The elite who think they are above the rest of us.

Swalwell knows the bill hasn’t a chance of passing. It’s simply another partisan ploy. Next to Adam Schiff, he’s the most conniving and dishonest of politicians.

Swalwell’s McCarthyism

Swalwell didn’t say a word about the abuse and insults hurled at the administration and anyone who supports them, including TV and radio hosts — often by him.

Will Swalwell’s law cover TV hosts he labels as Russian agents? He thinks Tucker Carlson is a Russian agent for questioning the left. Swalwell is a McCarthyite, so is Schiff.

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