McMaster Is Fighting with Israelis, Soft on Hezbollah


National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster denies being anti-Israel but he seems to be unaware of threats posed by the terrorist group Hezbollah. His views caused an uproar with the Israeli delegation recently.

The delegation was extremely disconcerted by the presence of adviser, Mustafa Javed Ali, at a late August meeting to discuss Hezbollah, which Israel sees as a dire threat.

Ali is opposed to Hezbollah being designated by the U.S. as a terrorist organization, a designation they have held since 1997. Ali is the NSC [National Security Council] counterterrorism expert.

As an aside, McMaster doesn’t want the Muslim Brotherhood declared a terrorist organization either.

The Israeli delegation demanded that Mustafa Javed Ali leave the room during the meeting which he did. However, they were also aware that Ali would receive all information shared at the meeting which took place the week of August 27th.

The problems didn’t end with Ali leaving the room.

Sources reported that McMaster went on to explicitly dismiss the Israelis’ specific concerns about Hezbollah.

In particular, the Israelis expressed concern that the “safe zone” currently being established within Syria — an idea that had been vociferously supported by Hezbollah’s sponsor, Iran — would immediately become a safe zone for Hezbollah to operate.

McMaster was said to “blow off” this major Israeli concern, and to be “yelling at the Israelis” during the meeting.

McMaster is known to have a bad temper.

To be noted, is the fact that McMaster has fired or otherwise removed all NSC appointees who strongly supported President Trump’s Middle East campaign platform. Some called it a purge. The Obama holdovers were not dismissed.

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