MEAN GIRL Ilhan Omar Dishonors 9/11 Victims


Ilhan Omar, victim

The leftists diminish the horrors of 9/11, and Rep. Ilhan Omar is particularly adept at it, but she has a personal motive no doubt. She’s a Somali Islamist before she is an American.

Ilhan Omar refers to 9/11 as “some people who did something”. That is despicable and gives us a look into her heart.

The left in general doesn’t want to talk about 9/11 as they woo Muslim voters — and it offends radical Muslims like Omar. 9/11 has been disappearing from history and skipped over in some texts.

She is being harshly criticized for that this week when Rep. Crenshaw made an issue of it, but MSM was silent, of course.


The anti-Jewish, anti-American Omar lashed out at senior White House aide Stephen Miller on Monday. She called him a white nationalist.

Miller is Jewish.

Omar was roundly mocked for it, but she knows that the best defense is a good offense. So, today she came out blabbering about not forgetting her roots.

“It is the most bizarre thing,” Omar told CNN. “You know we are talking about someone who truly believes not a single refugee, not a single immigrant, should set foot on American soil. I am appalled by that. Because unlike him and others, I haven’t forgotten my roots. I know what it meant for me to get the opportunity to come to the United States to start anew.”

“And many of his family and Trump’s family came here to get that opportunity and they forget,” Omar continued. “They forget that that is how … how they got the chance to become president or work in the White House. Because they got the chance to come to the United States because their families got a chance to come to the United States.

It’s too bad she doesn’t appreciate the opportunities she has had. All she wants to do is make us into radical socialists and that is not what made America great.

“So when you get that opportunity, you do not turn your back on the next person who is seeking that opportunity. And I am here to make sure they never forget.”

She feels that way as long as it’s not Republicans who are granted the opportunity.

Omar likes to play Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes and she sees herself as a victim. It’s her way of manipulating the masses.

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