Buzzfeed, Hollywood Reporter, Page Six, E! are all astir over Jim Carrey’s latest ‘WT*’ interview, describing him as off the rails. Actually, what happened is the Hollywood hero went to a meaningless event and said it was a meaningless event.
Jim Carrey went to the Harper’s Bazaar Icon Party explaining he attended the party because he wanted to go to “the most meaningless thing that I could come to.”
Hollywood hero Carrey told E!’s Catt Sadler about how “there’s no meaning to any of this” and he wanted to “find the most meaningless thing I could come to and join and here I am.” The actor added, “It’s completely meaningless.”
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When Sadler explained the evening was about celebrating icons, he responded, “That is just the absolute lowest aiming, you know, possibility that we can come up with.”
Carrey then went onto a spiel about being “nothing”.
“We spend our life running around looking for anchors. ‘Oh, I’m Italian, that’s who I am.’ The fact is you don’t exist. You’re nothing but ideas,” he expressed. “We take all those ideas and cobble them together and make sort of a personality charm bracelet, an ID bracelet we wear in life. But that’s not who we are, because we’re nothing. And it’s such a f**king relief.”
Carrey is possibly facing a trial next year for not telling his girlfriend Cathriona White that he had herpes before she killed herself in 2015.
The Hollywood idols like Carrey want to determine our political future! He went on an anti-gun tear several years back. Hollywood is pitiful.
Carrey’s getting attention and he has a documentary coming up. It’s as simple as that.
Jim Carrey got red pilled
— Baked Alaska™ (@bakedalaska) September 11, 2017