Mexican authorities are possibly taking bribes from illegal aliens to help them cross into the United States, KRQE reports. That’s a no-never-mind for Democrats and MSM.
In a special report from KRQE News 13 sister station in Yuma, Arizona, a migrant admitted that Mexican authorities are helping people cross into the U.S. by bribing them with money. A situation that Border Patrol agents say is not a rare sight.
“We do hear in some cases about corruption that’s occurring. It’s not a new thing and it hasn’t just started happening recently. It’s been happening as long as we’ve been here, we’ve heard stories about it. But we do have a great working relationship with Mexican authorities,” said Border Patrol Agent Jose Gariby.
The migrants, aka illegal aliens, want to cross into the U.S. because Mexico is dangerous. It couldn’t be for our freebies, could it? There is also the fact that they are bringing the danger in with them and that should be of concern to Americans. Many illegals serve as mules and many are used to distract agents which allows the criminals to come in unnoticed.
There have been reports of U.S. agents also taking bribes, along with officials on both sides of the border. Where are the FBI probes? Oh, I forgot, they’re trying to find something against President Trump. It keeps them busy.