Fox News reports about 5,000 or 7,000 to 10,000 foreigners are heading to the U.S., mostly Hondurans. These people are openly looking to Democrats to help them get into the country. The timing is perfect for them. The propaganda has already begun, even on Fox.
Brian Stelter and other Democrats can claim there is no organization to the up to 10,000-strong caravan of future illegal aliens but that rings hollow. The cartels are definitely involved in organizing this caravan and so are Hispanic-Americans. Also involved is Pueblo sin Fronteras which is funded by several groups funded by George Soros’s foundation.
This is coming as the election draws near and anyone turned away will have a tragic story to tell. The media will blow up them up into fake headlines as they did with the child separation story.
The incoming Communist president Obrador could have a hand in it. Obrador said it’s a human right to enter the U.S. illegally. He also promised to flood our borders.
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This is a typical leftist tactic — overwhelm — so nothing can be done. If we don’t take them in, we will be labeled immoral and the Democrat media will promote that.
About 700 Mexican law enforcement guarded the border bridge filled to capacity with thousands of future illegals, but they were indifferent to the people below who were crossing the river.
The hordes swarmed at the Suchiate River and crossed easily.
The river separating Guatemala and Mexico is the primary crossing point for tens of thousands of Central American immigrants who migrate north each year looking for work, welfare, and to break our immigration laws.
The caravan, numbering anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000, is composed of young, unemployed men, women with children, some families and unaccompanied juveniles. Most are from Honduras.
Once into Mexico, the migrants received water and medical care in a nearby warehouse.
The young men Fox News spoke to said the caravan would resume moving north to the U.S. after everyone was off the bridge. An organizer for Pueblos Sin Frontiers said they could leave in the next few days.
Mexico also says it asked for help from the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR. A spokesman for the group says it will use the same international criteria used to adjudicate caravan claims as, say, Syrian refugees in Turkey, namely a “well-founded fear of persecution because of race, religion, nationality, social group or political opinion.”
What a sick joke. The U.N. and Mexico working together? We trust this?
The U.N. is providing medical services, food, shelter and whatever else they need.
Mexico will not issue transit visas as they did last year, meaning if immigrants are caught wandering around Mexico, they will be deported. They could start with the Caravan, but will they?
We keep hearing about the deteriorating conditions in Central America. That is Central America. They are always deteriorating. We can’t possibly take all these future Democrats in.
The administration of new President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador takes over in December and he has already said he believes in open borders. He especially believes in flooding the U.S. border. It wouldn’t come as a surprise if he is behind this.
And just in time, the former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Roberta Jacobsen penned an article for The Hill claiming there is “extreme chaos” in the Trump White House. Nothing suspicious about this timing or what she said.
Obrador said it’s a human right to enter the U.S. illegally.
It’s a ‘Human Right’ to Enter the US Illegally Says Future President of Mexico
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