Migrant Gang Rapes of Teens Go Unpunished, Brings Out Hundreds in Protest

Hundreds of women in the heavily migrant-populated city of Malmo in Sweden protested after the last three gang rapes in a month of teen girls by migrants. The last gang rape of a 17-year old was very brutal, they were all brutal, and the police response was to tell women to not go out at night or walk in pairs.

Breitbart London reports that joggers are now escorted by armed police for protection.

The much lauded “feminist” government the nation’s media are abusing women on behalf of migrant men from Third World pits because it’s politically correct to ignore the obvious.

David Icke, an author and public speaker, writes: “We have a government that claims to be feminist, but at the same time does not act, when the legal system signals that women’s bodies are public property,” said medical student Camilla Lundgren who organized the protest.

The main reason for the protest, according to Mr. Icke was the Swedish court released three men accused of raping women in Fittja last year and on Tuesday, the court acquitted all five defendants in the case due to insufficient evidence.

The women whose lives are ruined mean nothing to the leftists. Women are valued less than political correctness. The agenda is all that matters and the same thing could easily happen here. If it wasn’t for Trump, we’d be there. Fortunately, he’s delaying what might be the inevitable.

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