If true, Senator Mitch McConnell just betrayed President Trump in a massive way. According to an article – another leak – in the NY Times, McConnell secretly doubts Trump can save his presidency.
Meanwhile, it is McConnell who won’t or can’t pass a single noteworthy bill.
The article, which was posted late Tuesday afternoon, portrays Trump as a villain who gets even with anyone who crosses him.
The authors make note of the timing of a spending bill coming up. It sounds a little like they are trying to bully the President into signing it so as to not close down the government as he has often threatened to do.
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The article goes into a series of tweets and an alleged phone call in which Trump berated McConnell and the two engaged in profane shouting. During this call, Trump is alleged to have accused McConnell of bungling the healthcare issue [he didn’t?] and intimate that McConnell refused to protect him during the Russian interference investigations [McConnell didn’t].
The Times somehow found out that McConnell is fuming over Trump’s attack on fellow Republicans. McConnell has said “in private…Mr. Trump is entirely unwilling to learn the basics of governing.”
I ask you, what is governing according to Mitch McConnell? McConnell is putting his agenda over country and even over the survival of the party. McConnell is the swamp.
Also in private, McConnell has “expressed a sense of bewilderment about where Mr. Trump’s presidency may be headed, and has mused about whether Mr. Trump will be in a position to lead the Republican Party into next year’s elections and beyond, according to people who have spoken to him directly.”
There is more in the hit piece about McConnell expressing “horror to advisers” about Mr. Trump’s comments equating white supremacists to protesters who rallied against them [that would be the Antifa and BLM hate groups]. The Times said McConnell has shared this with those who resigned from Trump’s committees [another betrayal].
The article then goes into Mr. Trump’s alleged transgressions of late. Much of this article is absurd. Are we really to believe that McConnell ever expressed a sincere thought in his life?
Some of this is meant to get Trump under control.
This was the conclusion and it’s threatening: “The quickest way for him to get impeached is for Trump to knock off Jeff Flake and Dean Heller and be faced with a Democrat-led Senate,” said Billy Piper, a lobbyist and former McConnell chief of staff.
Isn’t it nice of the NY Times to tell Republicans how they can save themselves.
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