Mnuchin 1, Neal 0, No TRUMP TAX RETURNS for the House this week


CNBC reports that the Justice Department on Friday backed Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s decision that the House Ways and Means Committee under Chair Richard Neal has no “legitimate legislative purpose.”

That’s true of all these subpoenas. The House committees think they are law enforcement or prosecutors who will get Trump.

The DOJ found the Committee’s asserted purpose—to consider legislation regarding the IRS’s practices in auditing presidential tax filings—was implausible.” Now the left will criticize that and the DOJ for saying it, but think about it, it’s logical.

The opinion is a response to Mnuchin defying the subpoena.

The truth is they have no legislative purpose. Their purpose is to comb through the President’s tax returns for more data to hang him with, and if they don’t find anything, they will make it up.

The chairs of the House committees allegedly have a secret pact to depose the President. Neal is a member of the pact.

“Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”


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