More Word Banning to Protect the Oppressed, This Time In Berkeley


Yesterday, we noted that Rep. Joaquin Castro wants the words, ‘illegal’ and ‘illegal aliens,’ stricken from use in all federal documents, communications, and so on. The open borders representative wants to decriminalize illegal border crossings and equates legal immigration with illegal immigration. Now, today, Fox 5 is reporting that Berkeley will ban some other words.

They want all man-centric words banned in the city to include ‘manhole, manmade” in favor of inclusive, gender preference language.

‘Manholes’ will be called ‘maintenance holes’, ‘firemen’ will become ‘firefighters’, ‘bondsman’ becomes ‘bondsperson,’ ‘craftsmen’ will be replaced by ‘artisans,’ ‘men and women’ will be called ‘people.’ fraternities and sororities will now be called ‘collegiate Greek system residencies.’ ‘He’ and ‘she’ will be replaced with ‘they.’ Silliest of all is ‘pregnant woman’ becomes ‘pregnant employee.’

Berkeley City Council member, 23-year-old Rigel Robinson said the male-centric words are not reflective of reality. “Our laws are for everyone, and our municipal code should reflect that.”

It’s not clear what punishments will follow for anyone who uses improper words.

Everything the leftist Democrats do has to be about control and social engineering. That’s who they are. They control language to control you an how you think! It’s more of the intersectional oppression, women are oppressed, nonsense.

What’s next? Book burnings?

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