MSM Is Lying About the Boys in MAGA Hats Mocking a Native-American


The story is somewhat different and there is video evidence that nothing was as reported. The MSM and Mr. Phillips reported dishonestly. The victims appear to be the boys. The story and videos are available on this link. I urge people to go to the link because nothing is as it seems, remarkably so!

Nathan Phillips, an Omaha elder, Vietnam Veteran, and former director of the Native Youth Alliance, walked up to a youth in a MAGA hat and banged his drum in the kid’s face. The boy stood smirking, without flinching.

These boys, who had attended the March for Life, went to this leftist march to see what was going on [correction they were waiting for a bus]. They didn’t know Mr. Phillips was a veteran nor did they hit him or insult him.

CBS News radio reported this morning that the white students invaded the space of Nathan Phillips, but the video clearly shows he invaded the kids’ space. The media has weaponized reporting.

We don’t hear about the hundreds of thousands who went to the March for Life, but we do hear endless reportage about the leftists who showed up in far smaller numbers. Then we get whitewashed, filtered, and weaponized stories aimed at kids, religious people, whites, conservatives, and anyone who disagrees with them.


Red Raccoon says the kids are bullies raised to hate and disrespect.


Nathan’s people told the boys they should go back to Europe and that this is their land! That is why the boys responded by smiling and laughing [correction: the boys thought they were cheering to Mr. Phillips drum].

While Mr. Phillips deserves our respect for his service and for who he is, he is a leftist who put himself out there. The left on social media and elsewhere has ripped into the boy and want him expelled from school. They are harassing the Kentucky school he attends and the administrators.

Nathan Phillips falsely claimed he was harassed by kids in MAGA hats. He is a radical separatist who flew the U.S. Flag upside down at a Dakota Pipeline protest.

Far-left separatist Nathan Phillips was a leader of the Standing Rock lunacy and stood with the US flag held upside down

Mr. Phillips appears to have lied on CNN. He said, “This young fella put himself in front of me and would not move.” The video shows Mr. Phillips going up to the boy while banging and chanting in his face. Phillips claimed he was in fear of being “ripped apart” and he was in a “dangerous situation.”

Not Exactly Honest leftist?


According to Heavy, the mother of the student who was face-to-face with Mr. Phillips sent an email claiming the story was “fake news”.

“Shame on you! Were you there? Did you hear the names the people where calling these boys? It was shameful. Did you witness the black Muslims yelling profanities and videotaping trying to get something to futher (sic) your narrative of hatred?? Did you know that this “man” came up to this one boy and drummed in his face? Shame on you. Only reporting what you want. More fake news.”

The reporter thanked her for the correspondence and explained that it would be reported on as part of the story, she demanded the emails be deleted.

“Delete my email. I want nothing to do with helping perpetuating (sic) your hate. I do not want to be a part of your story. You are ruining a boys life for fake news. Hate spreads like wildfire. I pray for you.”

Heavy mocked the mother and couldn’t care less about investigating. They simply took the side of the elderly man.

Next is Terrence K. Williams’ take — for which he is receiving “an incredible amount of death threats”:

Mr. Phillips had a confrontation like this once before

Not the first time this has happened. In 2015, he confronted Eastern Michigan students who were at a themed party with some dressed as Native-Americans.

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